Refresher days for RCI and ML

Have you started on the pathway to a Mountain Training Qualification? Are you trained and getting skilled up for assessment? Have you attended an assessment and deferred on an area and you wish for more guidance and support before reassessment? Have you held a qualification for some time but had a career break or feel rusty delivering your remit?

I offer two types of refresher courses; open courses or private 1:1 tuition. Some people prefer to do these days with others, others prefer the attention that 1:1 allows, that choice is yours.

Normally courses are with Simon Verspeak, an experienced trainer and assessor and Mountain Training approved course director for CWI, RCI and ML schemes. Since 2012 when I started running these days, candidates have achieved a 100% success rate after attending a refresher course.

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Rock climbing instructor (FORMERLY SPA)

Peak district and North Wales

Open courses = 1:4 max ratio, £80 per person per day

Private courses = 1:1 ratio, £240 per day

The days are bespoke and flexible; I will ask you for your aims and incorporate these into the day. Venues will be focused towards these aspirations. Typical focus areas include top rope setups and group abseils.

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mountain leader - Refresher DAY

North Wales

Open courses = 1:4 max ratio, £80 per person per day

Private courses = 1:1 ratio, £240 per day

The days are bespoke and flexible; I will ask you for your aims and incorporate these into the day. Venues will be focused towards these aspirations. Typical focus areas include rope work, route finding, leadership and navigation.

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MOUNtain leader - day into night refresher

North Wales

Open courses = 1:4 max ratio, £80 per person per day

Private courses = 1:1 ratio, £240 per day

A typical area candidates struggle to prepare for is poor visibility navigation. This day is one I have run numerous times to allow some practise to take place in the light (this could be steep ground, leadership, ropework etc) and then navigation practise in darkness. These are organised by emailing me via the link below.