Go Winter Climbing
As a holder of the 'Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor', the UK's highest qualification for winter mountaineering and climbing, Simon Verspeak can offer any element of winter instruction. During February and March he will be based on the west coast of Scotland; the UK's best location for winter climbing
Stand and Deliver, V,6, Aonach Beag, February 2015
Guided classics
£300 per day. 1:1 ratio, £340 per day 1:2 ratio
The Cold Climbs series has inspired generations of climbers to climb their dream routes. Many areas now have select guides pointing the way to the best winter climbs in the area. We offer guiding up the routes, YOU wish to do.
The Curtain, IV,4, Ben Nevis, March 2016
£340 per day. 1:2 ratio
Learn how to place natural protection, build belays, mental tactics and movement skills.
Prerequisites: Winter walking with ice axe and crampons, some seconding experience and the desire to lead.
East buttress of the North Ridge of Stob Ban, II,3, February 2016
Winter Mountaineering
£320 per day
A significant amount of winter ground could be considered mountaineering rather than climbing, ground which would typically be climbed using a single axe, examples being Ledge route II, the Aonach Eagach II/III, Curved ridge II/III etc.